How to create email templates in Kylas CRM?

How to create email templates in Kylas CRM?

This article covers the steps to be followed and the pre-requisites for creating email templates to standardize the emails being sent from Kylas CRM.


  1. Permissions:  Any user with create permission on Email Templates Module wrt Lead/ Deal/ Contact/Order Management 
  2. Product Plans: Elevate.
  3. Activities to be Completed: None
Step 1 
Login to Kylas and Navigate to the Email Templates section on CRM Settings.

Step 2  
Click on the Create Email Template button to open the template builder.

Step 3
Add the template name and the entity type. Kylas supports email templates on the following entities - Leads, Deals, Contacts

Step 4
Type the subject and body of the template using the variables as shown below:

Step 5 
Once you are done with drafting the template, click on the Create button to complete the template creation process.

Once you have created and activated an email template, the same can be accessed while composing a new email: