How to Update Task Details?

How to Update Task Details?

The information pertaining to a task such as priority, status, the outcome is prone to change over time, after the creation of the Task. Users can update the task details using the Edit Tasks feature. This article covers the steps to be followed for editing/updating details of a Task-based on the latest received information.


  1. Permissions:  Any user with permission to update and update all a Task.
  2. Product Plans: Embark/Elevate
  3. Activities to be Completed: None


Step 1 
Click on the 'Tasks' tab on the homepage. This will open the Tasks List page. Find the Task to be edited from the list,  either manually scrolling down or by using the filters. Click on the Task name to navigate to the Task details page.

Step 2
Click on the 'Edit' button on the top right corner of the Task Details pane to open the 'Edit Task Form'.

Step 3
Fill in the new details of the Task/ update existing details in the 'Edit Task' form. 

Step 4
After filling in the Task details in step 3, click on the Save button. Then, a success message will be presented; after which the user will be directed to the page, where the updated details of the Task will be displayed.

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