How to add/remove users from a team ?

How to add/remove users from a team ?

The sales process may demand periodic addition/removal/reshuffling of team members based on market conditions and team performance. Kylas CRM provides its users with the flexibility to do the same.
The article covers the steps to be followed for assigning/removing members to a team; and deactivating/activating a team.


  1. Permissions:  Any user with access to Control Center along with the permission to Create/Edit Teams.
  2. Product Plans: All
  3. Activities to be Completed: Create Team, Create Users


Step 1 
Click on the Manage Team option under the 'User Management' tab on the admin dashboard. This will direct the user to the page where all teams are listed.
manage team

Step 2
Select the team to be edited. This will open the Team Edit form. Admin can update the team details like name, description, etc. in this form.
Team edit form

Step 3
Click on the 'Assign Users' button on the top right corner of the form to add/remove users. This will direct to a new page which will have two boxes with a list of users. The box on the left shows the list of users who are currently not part of the team. The box on the right displays the list of users who are part of the team.
assign users

Step 4
Admin can add new users to the team by selecting users from the left box and then clicking on the 'right-caret-square' icon. To remove users from the team select the team members and click on the left caret square icon.
Add users

Step 5
After step 4, click on the Save button.

To deactivate the team admin need to remove/migrate all the existing members from the team. After that clicking on the 'Deactivate' button in the Edit, Team form will deactivate the team.

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