How to add variables in WhatsApp template and map the variables with Kylas fields?

How to add variables in WhatsApp template and map the variables with Kylas fields?

Your WhatsApp Business account should be connected.
Plan Type: Elevate. Add-on - WhatsApp Business

Profile Permissions:
WhatsApp Template -> Basic Access permissions -> "Read" & "Create".

Variables is supposed to be a value which will be different according to your Lead/Contact, As Every Lead/Contact have different first name, their emails, owners, etc.

Step 1:
To add variables in template, you need to go to WhatsApp Business > Templates. After going to template page you'll able to create template. while creating template, you can add variables in it and after adding variables in template, you will able to map those variables.
Now to create simple WhatsApp Template, go to WhatsApp Business > Templates, then click on CTA - "Create Template" button. After clicking on Create Template, you'll able to create template.

Step 2:
After clicking on Create template, Create template section will open, then at "Account Name" field, you can select any connected account as per your requirement. After selecting account, you'll be able to do conversation with your Leads/Contacts.

Step 3:
After selecting account, you can select on which entity you are creating template. Select entity as Lead/Contact, then you'll able to access that created template on that entity.

Step 4:
To access the template on the entity, you'll need to give name to that template at "Template Name" field. Give template name in the Template Name field. After giving name to the template then you will able see entity templates available with the name given while creating template.

Step 5:
While creating template, you need to select the template category at "Category" field. As there are "Marketing" and "Utility" category types. Refer Meta Template Categorization. As there are two "Marketing" and "Utility" categories. You can select category as per your requirement. After selecting category you'll be able to identify which type of template you've created. As Marketing templates are most flexible, it enable business to achieve a wide range of goals from generating awareness to driving sales and more.
Utility templates are typically triggered by user actions or request, it must include about the active or ongoing transaction, account, subscription or interaction to which they relate.

Step 6:
Select Language in "Language" field, after selecting language you can create that template in that chosen language. Now, if you want to create simple template type then, you need to select "Text" as a Header Type field. After selecting header type as Text then you can able to add Text as a Heading of the template.

Step 7:
You need to add specific details in template. Add those details in the "Content" field. After adding details in the content field then you'll be able to see  those content below the header content of the template. If you want to add required variables in the content, then click on the "Add Variable" button. After clicking on the add variable, variable will automatically get added on the current cursor position. Refer below img.

Step 8:
Mapping variables in template will make your template more interactive. Once you added all variables in the Content then want to map the variables, click on "Save & Submit" button, you'll automatically direct to Map Variables page.

Step 9:
Selection of field from Kylas will map the real time client fields in template. so select required associated field with Lead/Contact. After selecting this field you'll be able to see variable fields while using this template. Here you can select the field as given in below img.

Step 10:
Fallback value will come into your template message if that value field is missing in system then will not keep empty. On “Fallback Value” field you can add a text. Fallback Value – should be there. As if any field value in kylas is missing then it will replace empty space/null with that “Fallback Value”. Put the Fallback value in it.

Step 11:
If you have to save the template with mapped fields in it, then click on the "Save" button. you find you saved template in WhatsApp Template in Template section.

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