How to create Smart Lists?

How to create Smart Lists?

This article covers the steps for creating a smart list in Kylas CRM. This feature is currently available for Leads and Contacts.


  1. Permissions:  Any user with permission to Edit/View Leads and Contacts.
  2. Product Plans: All
  3. Activities to be Completed: None


Step 1
Click on the 'Leads'/'Contacts' tab on the Sales dashboard. This will display the Leads/Contacts List page.

Step 2
Click on the funnel icon on the top right corner of the page close to the 'Add' button. This will pop up a side panel, in which the user will have the provision to set the filtering conditions.

Step 3
Select the columns based on whose values the results should be filtered; by clicking on the '+' button inside the panel. eg: owner, company name etc.

Step 4
After step 3, a set of input boxes (a drop-down and a text box); grouped by the column-name selected in step 3 will be displayed. If multiple columns were selected there will be multiple sets of input boxes displayed. Select the condition (equals, contains, in etc.)  from the drop-down list and type the value in the text box.

Step 5
After step 4, click on the 'Save As' button on the bottom of the Filter panel. This will open a form to save Smart-list.

Step 6
Insert Smart-list details and click on Save button.

Users can access the Smart Lists by clicking on the drop-down button next to 'All Leads'/'All Contact' text on the Lead List or Contact List page

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