How to Install SMS application?

How to Install SMS application?

This article covers the steps to be followed and the pre-requisites for installing SMS App.

How to Install SMS App


  1. Permissions:  Any user having access to Kylas marketplace.
  2. Product Plans: Elevate.
Step 1:
Login to kylas using your registered credentials post which you will land on a default dashboard. 

Step 2:
On the extreme left top corner, you will find three horizontal lines. Follow the steps below
1. Click 'Kylas Marketplace'
2. Under 'Kylas SMS' click on 'Install' at right top corner and Install App
3. Sign in and click on "allow and install". You need to sign up if you are installing the app for the first time.

Step 3 :

How to connect SMS service provider account: 

  1. Admin who has signed up for this app - Go to API Keys tab and configure Kylas API Key and save it.
  2. Navigate to the ‘SMS account settings’ section inside the app
  3. Click on ‘Add connected account’
  4. Enter the User name and Password for the SMS service provider’s account
  5. Choose the Vendor (SMS service provider) from the available options
  6. Enter the Mask (e.g. SELLDO) - The sms receiver will see this mask as a sendor
  7. Enter the DLT entity id (Mandatory) and Telemarketer id (Optional)
  8. Check the ‘Active’ checkbox
  9. Click on ‘Save’


Step 4 :

How to Create SMS template:  

  1. Navigate to the ‘SMS Templates’
  2. Click on ‘Add SMS Template’
  3. Enter the Name of the template
  4. Enter the Content of the DLT approved SMS template
  5. Choose associated Entity type from Lead, Deal or Contact
  6. Choose SMS type
  7. Choose the vendor for which the template is being created
  8. Enter the DLT template ID (Mandatory) and DLT tag ID (Optional)
  9. Check the Active checkbox
  10. Click ‘Save’


Step 5 :

How to Add users in the app: 
  1. Navigate to ‘Manage Users’ inside the SMS app
  2. Click on ‘Add User’
  3. Enter the Name and Email of the user
  4. Choose the Role from Member or Admin
  5. Choose the corresponding Kylas user from the list of Users available in your Kylas account
  6. Click on Save
  7. The users added in the app will receive a email for their account verification, after verification the users can install the app and login from their credentials.
  8. The users added with the role as ‘Admin’ will be able to view all tabs in the SMS application
  9. The users added with the role as ‘Member’ will only be able to view SMS logs and Templates

Step 6 :

Send SMS from Kylas UI: 

  1. After successfully setting up the SMS app go to a Lead, Contact or Deal's Details page
  2. In the productivity section, click on the Message Icon
  3. Click the ‘New Message’ CTA
  4. Click on the ‘Send SMS’ action 
  5. It will open up a pop up where you will be asked to choose the phone number and Email template
  6. After selecting the Number and Template, click on ‘Send’ button
  7. Refresh the message section to view the new entry created or sent SMS
  8. You can also view the SMS log and errors (if any) under the SMS log section of the app in marketplace

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