How to Re-share a record in Kylas.

How to Re-share a record in Kylas.

This allow users to re-share a record that is shared with them on Web and Mobile by allowing the re-share permission on the respective user's profile.


  1. Permissions:  User with Re-share permission on Lead, Deal, Contact and Company Management
  2. Product Plans: All
  3. Activities to be Completed: Record Creation and Shared with user
Re-share records implies that if a lead owner has shared a lead with a User A and that User A would like to share it with User B. In order to check if the user has access to Re-share records, ensure the below permission is granted:


1. Navigate to lead listing page, click on any lead that you would like to share with another user. Now click on the drop-down icon.

2. Click on "Share"

3. Now select the user or team  to whom you would like to re-share. You can give necessary access like Read or Update.

4. You are all set once you click on "Share". 

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