Kylas CRM provides its users with the option to collaborate on leads, contacts, deals, and tasks. Using the Sharing Rules feature in Kylas CRM, a team lead/manager can set rules to automatically share the entities created by him with a specific user/team. This article covers the steps to be followed for creating rules for sharing leads, contacts, etc. between users.
Permissions: Any user with permission to create sharing rules.
Product Plans: All
Activities to be Completed: None
Step 1
Click on the 'Data Sharing' option under the 'Users Management' tab on the Admin dashboard. This will lead to the Share Rule Management page.
Step 2
Click on the 'Add' button on the top right corner of the page. This will open the 'Create Sharing Rule' Form.
Step 3
Select the record owner, team/user to whom the entity details will be shared and the entity type from the respective drop-down menus.
Step 4
After step 3, select the permissions to be granted to the user/team by clicking on the toggle buttons under the permission names.
Step 5
After step 4, click on the 'Save' button on the bottom right corner of the form. Now the rule will be saved.
If multiple rules are set for a specific user, the user will obtain the rights (Update, View, Share) from all the rules, combined
This article covers the steps to be followed and the pre-requisites for assigning leads to users in a round-robin fashion, using the webhooks feature of the workflows. Prerequisites Permissions: Any user with create permission on Workflow Module. ...
This article covers the steps for creating a smart list in Kylas CRM. This feature is currently available for Leads and Contacts. What is a Smart List? Prerequisites Permissions: Any user with permission to Edit/View Leads and Contacts. Product ...