How will invitees respond to my meeting invite, for the meeting scheduled using Kylas CRM?
Once a meeting is scheduled using Kylas CRM, then an invite email is sent to all the invitees (Kylas users/ contacts/ leads) of the meeting. The meeting invite email will look as shown below.
All the invitees can respond to the meeting by clicking on the RSVP buttons (Yes, No, Maybe) on the email body. Whenever a user clicks on any of the RSVP option, then an email will be sent to the organizer of the meeting with RSVP status recorded as the option clicked by the user.
Along with sending an email, clicking on any of the RSVP buttons will also open the screen shown below on a new tab. User can use this screen to send an additional message to the organizer or change the initial RSVP option selected by the user.
The Kylas users can also respond to the meeting invite through Kylas CRM. The meetings can be accessed on the meetings listing page. The meeting for which the user is invited or is the organizer will be displayed on the meeting listing page. The RSVP functionality will be active on all the meetings on the meeting listing page, in which user is not an organiser.
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