How to share Leads with other users/teams?

How to share Leads with other users/teams?

In Kylas CRM, there is a provision for users/teams to collaborate on a lead. The owner of a lead can share the same with a user or a team. The article covers the steps to be followed for sharing a lead with specific users or teams.


  1. Permissions:  Any profile having create permission on Data Sharing & Read permission 
  2. Product Plans: All
  3. Activities to be Completed: None


Step 1 
Click on the 'Leads' tab on the homepage. This will lead to the 'All leads' page. Find the lead to be assigned to a new user from the list,  either manually scrolling down or by using the filters. Click on the lead name to navigate to the Lead details page.

Step 2
Click on the 'Drop-down' button on the top right corner of the Lead Details pane. Click on the 'Share' option from the drop-down list, which will open a new window ('Share Lead').

Step 3
Select the 'User'/'Team' option from the 'Share To' drop-down box on the top left corner of the 'Share Lead' window.

Step 4
Select the user/team with whom the lead has to be shared by typing the name in the search bar.

Step 5
Select the permissions to be granted to the user/team by clicking on the toggle button under each permission (Read, Update, Delete etc.).

Step 6
Click on the 'Share' button at the bottom of the window. After this the lead will be shared with the new user/team.

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