How to create custom fields on Quotation?
This article covers the steps for creating a custom field under the entity Quotation. Prerequisites Permissions: Any user with permission to create/edit custom fields. Product Plans: Elevate Activities to be Completed: None Steps 1. After logging ...
How to Add Images on Product and Services?
This article covers the steps on how you can add images to the products and services you are offering to the customers. Images would help define the product more lucrative and will provide the complete visibility to the end customer of what he's ...
How to Import Meetings in Kylas?
This article covers the steps on how to import the meetings in Kylas. Prerequisites Permissions: Any user with permission to Create meetings. Product Plans: Elevate Activities to be Completed: None Steps Step 1. Navigate to the CRM settings> ...
How to Send an Automated Email with the Task Workflow?
Workflows in Kylas is a powerful tool to automate several activities that are performed repeatedly during the sales process. An active workflow will validate the trigger, conditions, and perform the set actions. Prerequisites Permissions: Any user ...
Assign Different Profiles to the Layout - Deal
This article covers the steps on how you can assign different profiles to the Layout. Prerequisites 1.Permissions: Configuration Management > Layout > Basic Access: Toggle on "Create" & Administrative Access: "Update All" 2. Product Plans: Elevate 3. ...
How to Share the Company Records?
Company Records play a crucial role in the CRM structure, since they hold all the details pertaining to the customer's business type, industry they are dealing with, all the point of contacts you would be dealing within that organization. There might ...
How to Send Automated Interakt WhatsApp Messages via Contact Workflow?
Workflow rules in Kylas CRM, are a set of actions that are executed when certain conditions are met. Kylas allows you to send automated WhatsApp messages through a marketplace application- Interakt to your exiting customer base ie. contacts via ...
Deal Form Layout
"Deal" is one of the prime business entities demanded in order to track the Sales Flow. It comes with different stages and with specific information in order to visualize the sales pipeline and estimate business revenues. Kylas CRM allows you to ...
How to create custom variables in Email Template
This article will help you walk through the steps on how to create custom variables in the email template. Prerequisites Permissions - Any user having Create permission on Email Template and Read permission on required entity Product Plans - Elevate ...
How to create custom fields on Companies?
Company Form Fields can be customized as per the use case. System generated default fields are added by default, however to rename existing or add new custom fields is also possible using below steps. New fields (Type: Custom) Navigate to My Profile ...
How to add custom fields in Deals Module?
Kylas CRM provides the user the option to add custom fields in certain Modules, which is critical for his business. For example, for a company selling e-learning content for school students, it will be necessary to add the estimated value and actual ...
How to add custom fields in Contacts Module?
Kylas CRM provides the user the option to add custom fields in certain Modules, which is critical for his business. For example, for a company selling e-learning content for school students, it will be necessary to collect both students' and parent ...
How to add custom fields in Leads Module?
Kylas CRM provides the user the option to add custom fields in certain Modules, which is critical for his business. For example, for a sales team selling a saas product, one of the critical data required to prioritize a lead would be the expected ...
How to change the name of Contacts module?
The nomenclature of leads and contacts may change from business to business. For example, an Educational firm might prefer calling their leads or contacts, students, whereas an online job portal may prefer referring to their leads/contacts by the ...
How to change the name of Leads module?
The nomenclature of leads and contacts may change from business to business. For example, an Educational firm might prefer calling their leads or contacts students, whereas an online job portal may prefer referring to their leads/contacts by the name ...
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Kylas is a saas based CRM which is developed, maintained and owned by K2V2 TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED. A CRM is primarily a centralized database for recording, organizing and processing data related to a company's sales activities. The major ...
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