How to use productivity Tools
Prerequisites Permissions: Productivity management>>Basic Access: Toggle on Read, Create and Update & Administrative Access: Read All and Update All. Product Plans: All Activities to be Completed: None Step by step process Productivity tools can be ...
What are the Smart lists readily available in Kylas CRM?
The smart lists which are readily available in Kylas CRM are listed below: All Leads - This list will consist of all leads accessible by the user. All My Leads - This list will contain all the leads owned by the user. Shared With Me - This list will ...
What is the difference between basic access, administrative access and special access?
Basic Access This type of access gives the user permission to perform specified actions on the entity records owned by the user or shared with the user. For example, a user with permission to Update Leads can update only the leads created by him or ...
What Are Smart Lists?
Smart List are filtering conditions that can be saved by a user for later use. There will be many filters which will be used very frequently by the sales people. The leads which are open, leads created by a specific user, Contacts created in last 30 ...
What is a Product/Service in Kylas CRM?
Product/service will include the list of sell-able inventory of the selling organization. A user can create products and services in the system along with its price. Also, user can link these products/services with deals.
Which all Tasks are displayed in the Tasks pool?
The tasks under the following categories will be displayed in the companies pool of the user: Tasks which are created by the user. Tasks which are shared with the user.
Which all Companies are displayed in the Companies pool?
The companies under the following categories will be displayed in the companies pool of the user: Companies which are created by the user Companies for which read access is granted to the user
What is meant by Business Type?
Business Type refers to the probable type of relation which a lead will have with the Seller. Competitor, consultant, customer etc. are typical examples for business type.
What is a Company?
A company is an organisation who has interest to purchase the product/services produced by the selling organisation. All details pertaining to the customer organizations can be stored by creating a object/record of the same under the entity company.
What is the difference between a lead and a contact?
The lead is a person who has not yet been qualified and might be interested in your product or service. When the lead becomes more qualified, you can convert it into a contact. A contact is your point of communication for an organization (account). ...
Which all Contacts are displayed in the Contacts list page of a users?
The following Contacts will be displayed in the user's screen: The Contacts shared with the user. The Contacts created by the user. The Contacts reassigned to the user.
What is a contact?
Contact is a person from the buying organisation who is the point of communication for the selling organisation, with the buying organization. When a lead gets qualified by the salesperson, it becomes a contact.
Which all deals are displayed in the deals list page of a users?
The following deals will be displayed in the user's screen: The deals shared with the user. The deals created by the user. The deals assigned to the u
What is the difference between reassigning and sharing?
In reassigning the ownership of the lead/contact/deal is transferred to the new user. In sharing a lead/contact/deal the new user will be able to track all the information/updates pertaining to the lead/contact/deal and also he can perform ...
What is a Task?
Task is any activity to be performed on the existing lead/deal by the sales professional. Follow-up call, reminder mail etc. are typical examples for tasks. User can login and set reminders for various sales activities by using the 'Tasks' feature in ...
Which all leads are displayed in the leads list page of a users?
The following leads will be displayed in the user's screen: The leads shared with the user. The leads created by the user. The leads reassigned to the user.
What is a deal?
Deal can be defined as a potential sale agreement or business commitment between seller and the buyer organisation/individual, in which the seller will receive monetary reward in return for the products/services he gives to the buyer. For example if ...
What is a pipeline?
A pipeline is sequential list of stages a lead/deal goes through until they are converted or lost. Each stage in a pipeline has a probability of winning associated with it, which makes it easier for sales professionals to prioritize their prospects ...
What is a Lead?
Lead is an organisation or a person who can be a potential buyer of products and services offered by the selling organisation. For example, you meet a person from a organization in an event and exchange business cards. The person might not have shown ...
What is a team?
Team is an entity in the the CRM under which a set of users are grouped. All the users in a team gets access to the tasks, leads, deals etc. shared with the team. Creation of teams makes it easy for the sales executives to work collaboratively on ...
What are the user details that can be edited by the admin?
Admin can change every information of a user, which includes even the e-mail id. But when the email-id is updated, the user will receive a system generated mail addressed to the new e-mail id. The e-mail id of the user will get updated in the system ...
What are user roles/profiles?
User Roles or profiles are user-types with predefined set of permissions over the product. A new user added to the system will be assigned a role. The new user will have permissions and access to all the forms available to that specific role. It is ...
What are the standard roles in the Kylas CRM?
The standard roles available in Kylas CRM are:- - Admin : This role has access to entire application and has the rights to change administration settings and create more users/roles. - Restricted User : This user has only access to the Sales section ...
What is Kylas?
Kylas is a saas based CRM which is developed, maintained and owned by K2V2 TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED. A CRM is primarily a centralized database for recording, organizing and processing data related to a company's sales activities. The major ...
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What is Kylas?
Kylas is a saas based CRM which is developed, maintained and owned by K2V2 TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED. A CRM is primarily a centralized database for recording, organizing and processing data related to a company's sales activities. The major ...
What is a Lead?
Lead is an organisation or a person who can be a potential buyer of products and services offered by the selling organisation. For example, you meet a person from a organization in an event and exchange business cards. The person might not have shown ...
How to edit/update account details?
The article covers the steps to be followed for updating the account details in the Kylas CRM. In the context of this article, account refers to the organization using Kylas CRM. Prerequisites Permissions: Any role having access to Control Center, ...
What is a team?
Team is an entity in the the CRM under which a set of users are grouped. All the users in a team gets access to the tasks, leads, deals etc. shared with the team. Creation of teams makes it easy for the sales executives to work collaboratively on ...
What is a pipeline?
A pipeline is sequential list of stages a lead/deal goes through until they are converted or lost. Each stage in a pipeline has a probability of winning associated with it, which makes it easier for sales professionals to prioritize their prospects ...