How to bulk reassign leads in Kylas CRM?

How to bulk reassign leads in Kylas CRM?

This article covers the steps for reassigning the leads in bulk, the dependencies and pre-requisites for executing the feature, glossary/definition of domain specific entities associated with the process of creating a lead.


  1. Permissions:  Any user with permission to create Leads.
  2. Product Plans: Explore and Elevate
  3. Activities to be Completed: None


Step 1
Login to Kylas. Go to 'Back to CRM sales'. Click on 'Leads'. All the leads accessible to you will be visible on the leads listing page.

Step 2
Select those leads which you want to reassign.

Step 3
Click on 'Reassign' option and a window will appear. Click on the search option and select the user to whom you want to reassign those leads. Check on to 'Execute workflow' or 'Send email notifications' if you want to perform those actions. 
If execute workflows unchecked, it will not trigger any workflows having the trigger same as the bulk action.
Unchecking email notifications will not send email notifications to the new user

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