Automated SMS

How to Send automated SMS via Kylas Workflows?

This article covers the steps to be performed to send automated SMS to Leads or Contacts. 


  1. Product Plans: Elevate 
  2. Activities to be completed: Kylas SMS app installed and configured to send manual SMS. Please refer the following article in not configured already. How to Install SMS application?
  3. Permissions: Workflow: Create


Step 1: Log in to Kylas Sales CRM and navigate to CRM settings -> Automation -> Workflows

Step 2: Click 'Add a workflow' button 

Step 3: On the 'Create a new workflow' page 
  1. Create a workflow with Webhook as an action. Please refer the following article to learn How to Create webhooks using Kylas workflow ?
  2. Choose the below values in the webhook section
    1. URL: 
    2. Authorisation: No Authorisation required 
    3. Parameters: As per below table
Entity typeParameter NameParameter TypeParameter Value
Leadentity_typeCustom Parameterlead
phone_numbersLeadPhone Numbers
api_keyCustom ParameterAPI key of the Kylas SMS app 
template_idCustom ParameterId of the template ffom the Kylas SMS app
templatecustom Parametercontent of the template with a variable (if applicable) as $var_name
variable_var_nameBased on variable typeBased on variable 
Contactentity_typeCustom Parametercontact
phone_numbersContactPhone Numbers
api_keyCustom ParameterAPI key of the Kylas SMS app 
template_idCustom ParameterId of the template ffom the Kylas SMS app
templatecustom Parametercontent of the template with a variable (if applicable) as $var_name
variable_var_nameBased on variable typeBased on variable 
Dealentity_typeCustom Parameterdeal
contactsDealAssociated Contacts
api_keyCustom ParameterAPI key of the Kylas SMS app 
template_idCustom ParameterId of the template ffom the Kylas SMS app
templatecustom Parametercontent of the template with a variable (if applicable) as $var_name
variable_var_nameBased on variable typeBased on variable 

How to get the API key from Kylas SMS app?
  1. Login to Kylas sales CRM 
  2. Navigate to Kylas Marketplace -> Installed apps section
  3. Click on the 'View Details' button available in front of the Kylas SMS application 

  1. Login to the application 
  2. Navigate to the 'API Keys' section 
  3. Copy the API key available in the highlighted area below 

How to get the template id and Template from Kylas SMS app?
  1. Login to Kylas sales CRM
  2. Navigate to the Kylas SMS app as mentioned above
  3. Go to 'SMS Template' section on the app 
  4. Copy the id of the template that you would like to use as shown in the below image

       5. Copy the content of the template from the 'Template Content' column

How to insert variables in template message via workflow?
Variables are very important factor to make the SMS look personalized and most of the SMS service provider support variables in the templates. 
e.g. We have following message template, "Dear $name thanks for your interest, our team will get in touch with you"
.And the desired outcome is that the variable $name should be replaced by the first name of the Lead or Contact. 
To acheive that, while creating webhook in Kylas workflow, enter the parameter name as 'variable_name', parameter type as the required entity e.g. Lead and parameter value as the field that you would like to replace e.g. First Name

This will replace the selected Lead's First Name in place of the variable $name when the message is delivered.